





日   期:2022年10月10日







乐东 10-1 气田开发项目是我国海上首个超高温高压气田,重点依托乐东 22-1已建平台,通过新建的海管输送至乐东22-1平台,在乐东22-1平台上处理后通过已建的登陆管线输送至终端。



主要技术规格要求为:甲醇注入泵1台套(流量:1m3/h,入口压力20~50kPaG,出口压力69900 kPaG);闭排泵2台套(流量:10 m3/h,入口压力0~250 kPaG,出口压力3600~9100 kPaG)




1) 往复泵须满足以下要求:2012年1月1日至投标截止日(以合同签订日期为准),投标人所投的产品需同时满足a)和b):a) 对于甲醇注入泵产品应具有至少两个项目(技术规格:单台泵流量不小于1 m3/h且出口压力不低于69900 kPaG,设计为连续运行工况)在海洋石油/天然气平台或FPSO供货业绩且到货验收证明材料签署日期距投标截止日期应为两年或以上,投标人须提交相关业绩证明文件。b)对于闭排泵产品应具有至少两个项目(技术规格:单台泵流量不小于10 m3/h且出口压力不低于9100kPaG,设计为连续运行工况)在海洋石油天然气平台或FPSO供货业绩且到货验收证明材料签署日期距投标截止日期应为两年或以上,投标人须提交相关业绩证明文件,投标人须提交相关业绩证明文件。业绩证明文件包括但不限于:1)销售合同复印件(应包括合同签署时间、货物名称、供货数量、使用环境、技术要求(流量、出口压力和运行工况)、货物使用地点、买方名称及联系方式等内容);和 2)用户盖章(或签字)的运行证明文件或用户签署的临时/最终接受证书或第三方船级社签署的最终调试报告。



4)制造商必须提供API 674证书,另外提供API Q1或 ISO 9001体系证书。


从 2022年10月10日至2022年10月17日止,在中国海油采办业务管理与交易系统(购买招标文件(电子版)。投标人须在线填写购买招标文件登记表,并在线支付标书款至指定账户。在线支付成功后,投标人可自行下载招标文件。招标文件每套售价为200元人民币或30美元(收款人:中化建国际招标有限责任公司,
收款行名称:中国工商银行股份有限公司北京国家文化与金融合作示范区金街支行;INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BANK OF CHINA,Beijing National Cultural and Financial Cooperation Demonstration Zone Jinjie Sub-branch;收款人账号:0200000709117000351,收款行SWIFT CODE: ICBKCNBJBJM,收款行地址:No. 237 Wang fu jing Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing, ChinaPR: 100006),售后不退。未在本系统领购招标文件,不得参加投标。


















Project: LD10-1 GAS FIELD DEVELOPMENT PROJECT Reciprocating Pump

Bid No: 0704-2240JDCP2205/01

Date:Oct, 10,2022


1.  CNCCC International Tendering Co.,Ltd.(hereinafter called“Tendering Agent”),for and on behalf of CNOOC China Limited(here in after called"Purchaser")invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the supply of following equipment:

Source of Funds:Yes

Description of The Prepared Bidding Conditions:Yes

Joint Bids:NOT Acceptable

Agent Bid:  Acceptable

Project overview:

The development of LD10-1  gas field development project is the first ultra-high temperature and ultra-high pressure gas field at sea of our country, which is mainly relying on the built platform of Ledong 22-1, Transport to Ledong 22-1 platform through the new sea pipeline, and transferred to terminal through the existing landing pipeline after being processed on the platform

.Name of Goods: Reciprocating Pump

Qty: 3 sets

Main technical requirements: methanol injection pump 1 sets(1 m3/h,SUC:20~50kPaG,DIS:69900 kPaG);losed drain pump 2 sets(10 m3/h,SUC:0~250 kPaG,DIS:3600~9100 kPaG)

Delivery Schedule: July.30, 2023

Destination of delivery:

From within PRC :ZhanJiang construction site of Ledong 10-1 project

From outside PRC:DAP ZhanJiang construction site of Ledong 10-1 project

2.Qualification requirements:

1) Reciprocating Pump need to meet below requirements:Since Jan. 1st, 2012 to the deadline of bids submission stipulated(The date of signing the contract shall prevail),the products submitted by the bidder shall meet the requirements of a) and b) :a)The methanol injection pump product shall have at least two items (technical specifications: The flow rate of a single pump is not less than 1 m3/h and the outlet pressure is not less than 69900kPaG,Design for continuous operating condition) in the offshore oil/gas platform or FPSO for more than two years(The delivery performance and arrival acceptance certificate shall be signed two years or more from the tender deadline),the bidder shall submit relevant performance documents. b) There are at least two projects for closed drain pump (technical specifications: The flow rate of a single pump is not less than 10 m3/h and the outlet pressure is not less than 9100kPaG,Design for continuous operating condition) in the offshore oil and gas platform or FPSO for more than two years(The delivery performance and arrival acceptance certificate shall be signed two years or more from the tender deadline) ,the bidder shall submit the relevant performance proof documents.Performance certification documents include but are not limited to: 1) Copy of sales contract (including contract signing time, name of goods, quantity of supply, use environment, technical parameters (Flow rate and discharge pressure), use place of goods, buyer's name and contact information, etc.); And 2) User's stamped (or signed) operation certificate or User's signed provisional/final acceptance Certificate or third party classification society's signed final commissioning report.

the bidder shall submit the relevant performance proof documents. Performance certification documents include but are not limited to: 1) Copy of sales contract (including contract signing time, name of goods,quantity of supply,use environment,technical requirements (flow rate,discharge pressure and operating condition),use place of goods,buyer's name and contact information, etc.); And 2) User's stamped (or signed) operation certificate or User's signed provisional/final acceptance Certificate or third party classification society's signed final commissioning report.

2)Other qualification documents required to be provided by the bidder: A if the bidder is a domestic registered company, it is required to provide a valid business license (with independent legal person qualification), general taxpayer certificate / tax registration certificate, organization code certificate or a copy of the three in one business license within the validity period; B if the bidder is an overseas registered company, it is required to provide a valid certificate of company registration.

3)The reciprocating pump skids can run in the offshore environment, and obtain certificate issued by any one third party certifying agency (international certification society) approved by the Offshore Oil Production Safety Supervision and Administration Office of the Ministry of Emergency Management under the State Administration of Work Safety. which are ABS, DNV, BV, CCS.

4)The manufacturer shall present API674,APE Q1 or ISO 9001 certificate license issued.

3. All those who are willing to participate in the bids are kindly requested to: enter into website to purchase the bidding documents (electronic edition) online from  Oct, 10,2022 to Oct 17th,2022.upon non-refundable payment of RMB200 or USD30 for each copy. ( USD A/C detail:Beneficiary:  CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd., Name of Bank: INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BANK OF CHINA,Beijing National Cultural and Financial Cooperation Demonstration Zone Jinjie Sub-branch.USD A/C No.:  0200000709117000351, SWIFT Code: ICBKCNBJBJM,Bank address:No. 237 Wang fu jing Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing, ChinaPR: 100006.). After completion of the remittance, the biddercoulddownload the bidding documents. Those who didn’t purchase thebidding documents are not allowed to participate in the bids.

4.Bids must be mailed to Conference Room 2, Floor 4, Cnooc Tower, No.6, Dongzhimenwai Xiaojie, Dongcheng District, Beijing  for submission of bids before10:00 a.m. (Beijing time)  on Nov 01st, 2022.

5.. Bids will be opened in the presence of bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at 10:00 a.m. (Beijing time) on Nov 01st, 2022 at Conference Room 2, Floor 4, Cnooc Tower, No.6, Dongzhimenwai Xiaojie, Dongcheng District, Beijing  100027, P.R. China for bid-opening.

 6 .The Invitation for Bids is issued on the website of simultaneously.


7. The bidder needs to register before the tender on And the evaluation results will be released on

  Name of Purchaser: CNOOC CHINA LIMITED

Address:Rongcheng Bojun, No.6 Changbin 3rd Road, Xiuying District, Haikou, Hainan, P.R. China, 570311

Contact person: Chen Li

Telephone: +86-898-69091004


Name of Tendering Agent: CNCCC International Tendering Co.,Ltd.

Address:Floor4,CNOOCTower,No.6 Dongzhimenwai Xiaojie, Dongcheng District, Beijing 100027,P.R. China
Post Code: 100010

Contact person: Ms. Li Lei

Telephone: +86-10-84527955



附件1: 文档1.pdf





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